“People ask me, ‘Are you proud of the fact that you were Canada’s first woman prime minister?’ I respond, ‘Yes, but I’d be prouder still to say I was Canada’s tenth woman prime minister.’” - Kim Campbell,Canada’s first and only female Prime Minister
"We fought long and hard for the right to vote, for the right to participate in universities and the work force, and the right to make our own choices. We don't need old white guys telling us what to do." - Rona Ambrose, former MP and former interim leader of the Conservative Party of Canada
“I would say to every woman, we need more women in politics because I actually think that the more women we have in politics, the more we’re going to get done.” - Heather Stephenson, Manitoba's first female premier
“We must open the doors and we must see to it they remain open, so that others can pass through.” - Rosemary Brown, Canada’s first black female member of the BC Legislature
"We need more women in politics." - Hazel McCallion, former mayor of Mississauga
“Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not difficult.” - Charlotte Whitton,first female mayor of Ottawa
"No woman can become or remain degraded without all women suffering." - Emily Murphy, first female magistrate in the British Empire
“I do not want to be the angel of any home; I want for myself what I want for other women, absolute equality. After that is secured, then men and women can take turns at being angels.” - Agnes Macphail, first woman member of Parliament in Canada
“I believe it is fundamentally important that women and people from all different areas and aspects and walks of life get involved in politics. If you have a reason to run, you have a plan, you want something improved or changed, you have to get involved. We need a diversity of voices.” - Jody Wilson-Raybould, former Member of Parliament for Vancouver Granville, Minister of Justice, Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Veterans Affairs, and Associate Minister of National Defence
"We have taught the world that 'woman power' is about the cheapest power on earth. We never put a value on the labour which goes into this or that task." - Violet McNaughton, journalist and first president of the Women Grain Growers in Saskatchewan
“Neverretreat, never explain, never apologize – get the thing done and let them howl!” - Nellie McClung,Canadian activist and author
"Until all of us have made it, none of us have made it." - Rosemary Brown, Canada’s first black female member of the BC Legislature
"Whenever I don’t know whether to fight or not, I fight.” - Emily Murphy, first female magistrate in the British Empire